Movies directed by daniel-griffith

Deus ex Machina: The Philosophy of 'Donnie Darko'

That's Sexploitation!

Lost in Time: Unearthing the Primevals

It's a Madcap World: The Making of an Unfinished Film

Malevolent: Unearthing John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness
Class of '79: 40 Years of Rock 'N' Roll High School

The Sleeper Must Awaken: Making Dune

That's Brucesploitation! Making Fist of Fear, Touch of Death

A Sigh from the Depths: 40 Years of Suspiria
That's Hicksploitation: The Origin of Southern Sinema

Subversion: Exposing John Carpenter's They Live

Let There Be Light: The Odyssey of Dark Star
The Wandering Man’s Burden: Making The Loner

Purgatory: Entering John Carpenter's 'Escape From New York'

Total Excess: How Carolco Changed Hollywood

American Frontiers: Anthony Mann at Universal

The Infinitesimal: Remembering the Shrinking Man