Movies directed by michael-blackwood

David Hockney's Diaries

Alvaro Siza: Transforming Reality

Jim Dine: London

Musical Outsiders: An American Legacy

Christo and Jeanne-Claude: A Environmental Art Duo


Masters of Modern Sculpture Part I: The Pioneers

The Sensual Nature of Sound: 4 Composers Laurie Anderson, Tania Leon, Meredith Monk, Pauline Oliveros

Roy Lichtenstein

Lebbeus Woods + Steven Holl: The Practice of Architecture

Jasper Johns: Decoy

Japan: 3 Generations of Avant-Garde Architects

Lee Ufan: Marking Infinity

After Modernism: The Dilemma of Influence

Masters of Modern Sculpture Part III: The New World

A Composer’s Notes: Philip Glass and the Making of an Opera

Bernd and Hilla Becher: Typologies of Industrial Architecture

Christo: Wrapped Coast